Values • Goals • Issues

We love this county, the Mississippi Gulf Coast, this state and our nation and we are dedicated to making America better at every level.

Toward that end and in alignment with our values:


Democrats realize that regulation of nearly every industry and business is necessary in order to achieve a level playing field for all. For over 120 years it has been necessary to protect consumers, workers, families, and the environment from the abuses of the profit-only “free market” capitalist system. Capitalism left alone will by its nature ruin our environment, cause untold suffering of workers and consumers, and lead us quickly to a nation of have and have-nots, as it very nearly did in the Great Depression. Democratic New Deal Regulations saved us then, and got us back on track, and for many years it was commonly accepted that regulated capitalism is necessary to spur creativity, good job growth, economic fairness, and create a sustainable road to the future. Look at the Savings and Loan Crisis, Enron, Katrina insurance disaster, the Housing Bubble, E-coli outbreak, the ’08 Financial Crisis, BP blowout—all examples of inadequate regulation that was in vogue from the Reagan Administration on. In the past two years Democrats have made some progress in the regulation of huge financial institutions, but much remains to be done in this area, and the entire area of regulation of multinational corporations. We recognize that regulations can be a hassle, but their higher purpose is essential to everyone.


This means good worthwhile jobs for good pay, available to all Americans with the ability to do them. There is much work to be done in America, mostly in conversion to a Green economy, as well as wholesale rebuilding of our infrastructure. Include education and more comprehensive social and medical services, especially to an aging population. This creates wealth and good jobs at the same time. And, because it is future-oriented and will not provide a profit in the short term, most of it must be sponsored or subsidized by the federal government. We can bring back manufacturing jobs to America, even if it means that people may have to pay more for consumer goods. Democrats fully support Unions and the work they do to bring fairness, safety and security to working Americans, and we will try to remove the roadblocks and corporate intimidation that has eroded membership for decades. Democrats will never engage in “Union-Busting” as an ideology. As we look at the prospect of wage cuts across the economy, we must remember the situation of the Great Depression, when such action only made the economic conditions worse.


If you are going to have a government, you are going to have to pay for it with taxes. Tax levels must be high enough to provide for all government expenditures, creating a balanced budget in normal years and surpluses in prosperous years. A tax system of increased rates for increased income is fair to everyone, and this is the system which brought prosperity and fair income distribution to America in the quarter century after WWII. We need to move those rates higher for extreme high income. Corporate loopholes must be closed. The estate tax is necessary and makes sense. Social Security and Medicare deductions are not really taxes, but rather insurance premiums put aside for old age. High state sales taxes on basic necessities should be rolled back to help low income people. Gasoline taxes are at record lows as a percentage of the total cost, and only a tiny fraction of what they are in Europe, and higher gas taxes would be a big source of revenue as well as working toward a lowering of greenhouse gasses. Higher taxes DO NOT stifle the economy, but they simply move economic activity into community based needs and away from private expenditure. “Tax” is not a bad word to anyone who understands the need for government. Waste is a bad word, and tax money should never be wasted. Fair salaries for government employees is not waste.


Multinational companies are out of control and have drained America of millions of good jobs. This is because it is possible for big companies to seek the cheapest labor anywhere in the world and set up factories there, and then sell the product in the United States. This undermines wages in America and greatly increases our foreign trade deficit, which must be paid, one way or another. Democrats favor FAIR TRADE, where we simply trade much less with countries which have wage scales vastly lower than our own, or do not have protections for workers (real Unions!!) or do not abide by international environmental standards. The primary beneficiaries of international trade are the international traders and their big time financiers, the same one so recently bailed out by American taxpayers. Globalization should involve mainly key natural resources which some countries have and others lack. Food, minerals, fuels, and things of that nature. Cultural trade is good when it leads to increased understanding. High-tech trade can increase the efficiency of workers worldwide. But trade based on slave-wage labor is a dead end and creates a “race to the bottom” among workers everywhere. It is unsustainable and Democrats will lead the fight to correct this imbalance.


Democrats led the fight for Medicare and Medicaid in the l960s, and more recently enacted a comprehensive health care system that will cover almost every American. It is unacceptable for Americans to die prematurely or live lives filled with pain and disease simply because they lack the money to afford decent health care. Our previous and present health care system is by far the most expensive on the planet, yet we do not have the best health. Democrats will move forward with a “public option” to provide an alternative to private health insurance with their denial of care and over-paid CEOs. We need to copy the plans that work in other countries, and find a way to cut costs. Democrats understand that health care is one of the services (like police, fire, schools, highways,) that government can deliver at much lower cost and with better performance, than private systems.


Ever since the 1973 OPEC embargo leaders of both parties have talked about freeing ourselves from dependence on foreign oil, yet today we import more than ever. FACT: We have only 4% of the world’s oil, but we use 25%. We need to think in terms of ending our habit of wasting oil, period, in preparation of that day when oil becomes scare and expensive. We need an energy policy emphasizing conservation and environmental preservation. “Cap and trade”, or “Cap and Tax” legislation would put a realistic price on the consumption of fossil fuels and lead to more rapid development of solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass fuels. Meanwhile we can use oil from current wells, and with new safety regulations drill some new ones. Conservation is the key. As the world’s largest economy, we have an obligation to the rest of the world to be the leader in the conservation of energy and the development of renewable sources. Instead we are the poster child of waste and pollution. Adjustments to new policies must take place steadily over time, but they must start NOW. They will involve higher taxes and higher energy costs, as well as big public investment in new industries, but it is all well worthwhile to make sure we have a future.


Democrats have proven their ability to reduce crime while at the same time protecting the rights of defendants. Police, from the local level all the way up to the FBI, must be highly recruited, well-trained, fairly paid and fully equipped. They must be supported by the citizens, and in turn must treat all citizens with the respect they deserve. We have never been soft on crime, yet we also believe in humane prisons, and the prospect of rehabilitation. America has the highest incarceration rate in the world, and Mississippi has the highest rate in the US—Prisons must not become a “growth industry” for private profit. For the security of the nation, our armed forces must remain strong and ready, but used with restraint, and in cooperation with the forces of other countries. Democrats are ever-vigilant against terrorism, which must be dealt with on a worldwide scale. The control of nuclear materials remains a priority, which is a reason why the START treaty extension, is so important.


This obviously includes all First Amendment rights for all Americans, and while much progress has been made by past Democratic administrations there are still bridges to cross. Civil rights must include a right to a quality education regardless of income, gender or race. Hate crimes require special prosecution because they directly violate federal statutes such as the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment. Civil Rights is one of the greatest accomplishments of American democracy, and we must not allow its history to be revised in favor of those who opposed it. We will work to find ways to limit the ability of violent elements of society who plan or take action to destroy the Civil Rights of the general population.


No Democracy can survive where a small group of people have far greater access to the means by which voters receive their information, yet that is the situation NOW in America, made worse by the Supreme Court, in the Citizens United Case of January, 2010. The decline of real journalism has also worked to increase the influence of the wealthy and corporations. We must find a way to honestly inform voters on the real issues of a campaign and connect these issues to the beliefs, actions, and track records of the candidates. It is essential to do this, and the only way is through public funding of all elections and insisting that TV and radio stations contribute free and equal air time to the candidates. If candidates were not driven to constantly raise money for re-election then they would not be under the thumb of corporate lobbyists, with their million dollar “contributions.” This is how the system is being run now, and it is destroying the middle class, and destroying democracy. All of the richest and most powerful corporations, with the sole aim of increasing their private profits, are manipulating our system to their great advantage. We believe in the principle of “One Person, One Vote.” Not “One dollar, One vote.”


A legal system that puts all citizens on an equal footing with the richest corporations. Democrats would do this by tightening regulations under which giant corporations must operate, so they must pay more attention to violations, and suffer stiffer penalties when they violate them. The legal process must be made faster so that corporations cannot put off judgment day forever. This very nearly happened in the aftermath of Katrina, when it appeared for awhile that it would take 30 years to go through all the cases. Action by our Mississippi Democrat Attorney General considerably sped up the process. Other examples include coal and oil companies who have decades-long records of serious violations, costing the lives of workers, yet have essentially gone unpunished. We need to take a serious look at such issues as mandatory sentencing, the increasing number of our people who are imprisoned, why they are there, and the effectiveness of the death penalty in reducing crime.


America suffers from an aging infrastructure. For the past half century we have not reinvested in necessary repairs and expansions of our water supplies, wastewater systems, bridges, levees, schools, public buildings, national, state, and local parks. We need to look to the future and add passenger rail service (light rail, high speed rail). While this will also create millions of jobs, it is essential work regardless of the unemployment numbers.


In view of the way the corporate financial powers of this country have enriched themselves over the peoples’ need for housing over the past decade, Democrats realize that an entirely different approach is needed. This is especially true in South Mississippi where in the aftermath of Katrina it is taking years to rebuild permanent housing for low and middle income families. Housing is a basic necessity, and should never be regarded as simply a way to increase the profits of the already wealthy, as in the recent “Housing Bubble.” There are 13 million homes facing likely foreclosure in the next two years. Democrats must dedicate themselves to finding a way to keep families in their homes, through periods of job loss or downgrade, or even to rewrite the terms and amounts of previous loans to make repayment a possibility. FHA/VA should be enlarged to make direct loans to homeowners, with no private middleman to get in the way and siphon off profits. There must be strict regulation of fees and “points” on home loans, and an end to sub-prime mortgages with adjustable rates. The tax deduction for interest on mortgages must continue, perhaps on a sliding scale, and only used one time per home.


Small business is an essential part of any community, and in the process of building small businesses millions of jobs are created. Past decades have seen the demise of many small businesses as huge corporations have taken over most retail, in the name of efficiency. We will not place unnecessary regulations on small business, and we will promote programs to provide funding and operational guidance, as well as give tax breaks and provide fair access to government contracts. At the same time, small business must abide by the basic rules of fair pay to employees, safety, and job security. We do not regard franchises of national corporations as “small business.”


Democrats invented Social Security in 1935 and it has been one of the most successful government programs. Medicare has provided quality healthcare at greatly reduced cost for Americans 65 and over since 1966. Democrats will make sure that both are solvent far into the future, and will not raise the retirement age above 67, or decrease benefits. It might be necessary to increase employee contributions incrementally, extend contributions to upper income levels, or cap what doctors and hospitals can charge for Medicare services. Democrats will NEVER privatize social security, making the income of the elderly dependent on the whims of the stock or bond markets.


There are dire consequences for our society if we are unable to address the destruction of our environment and our atmosphere (climate change), inequalities and overall failure of our educational system, the ever-increasing federal government and foreign trade deficits, breakdown of our immigration laws, and the insanity of continuing to try to maintain an economy based only on corporate profit and lifestyles built on petroleum based transport, meaningless entertainment, high fat fast foods, and cheap consumer goods. As the resources of the past become ever more scarce, America must direct its efforts away from the increasing consumption of these resources and into family, community, knowledge, and personal growth. Changes and sacrifices will be required throughout society.


The single value of central importance to the Democrats is ECONOMIC FAIRNESS. We are the Party that believes the working people of America, as well as the poor, the retired, the middle class in general, are not getting a FAIR DEAL from the economic system that has been in place for the last 30 years. The wealth of the rich has grown by astronomical proportions while wages have stagnated and the middle class is shrinking. This is not “class warfare,” or “redistribution,” or “socialism.” It is simple economic fairness. We have been victims of a system devised by an economic elite in favor of the already rich. Democracy cannot survive in a system where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Many people have become so desperate that they don’t even vote, and even after people DO vote for a particular candidate, he/she often becomes just another pawn of the rich and powerful.


True personal freedom is a complex concept. As Democrats we honestly believe in real personal freedom, and have always been the ones to protect it. At the same time we recognize the complexity of our economic and social systems and believe that maximum personal freedom can only be achieved within a framework of shared values, laws, and resources. We do not believe in the freedom to starve, get sick, and die alone in the cold. We are deeply concerned about the infringement on personal freedom by the corporate world, the invasion of privacy and the ability to purchase “Freedom of Speech.” Freedom of speech has always been at the forefront of protecting the right to openly discuss without fear of criminal or civil retribution, the affairs of government. World History shows that without his basic protection abusive government control, action, and enforcement result, crushing the right to redress government faults. Personal freedom includes privacy, protections guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, travel, and association. It cannot be exercised without some personal restraint and responsibility, education, and at least minimal living standards. Government regulations with the purpose of protecting workers, consumers, the weak, minorities, the poor, and create fairness are not restrictions on personal freedom.


Democrats believe that all citizens have a responsibility to obey the laws, get an education, cooperate within the community, care for themselves, their children and families, find productive work at fair wages, save for the future, practice tolerance of the beliefs and harmless practices of others, and understand how Democracy works. We have the responsibility to support our government and leaders when they are right and take non-violent action to correct them when they are wrong. Government officials have the responsibility of passing laws and making decisions based on reasonable and scientific ways to reach a desired societal goal, even if it may be unpopular at the time. Elected and appointed officials have a responsibility to LEAD, not just to study opinion polls, or to follow the money that they need for re-election. Corporations have a responsibility to produce necessary products and insure the safety of the workers, consumers, and environment. We all have a responsibility to willingly support our government through fair taxation.


Democrats understand that the well-being of the individual can never be completely separated from the well-being of the community in which we live. While this may be a “socialistic” concept to some, it is felt on a daily basis by everyone who interacts with friends, business associates, public officials, or even those who we may not know. Democrats constantly strive to improve this community, which includes the national community of peaceful, law-abiding citizens everywhere, rich and poor, in their “pursuit of happiness.”


Democrats do not consider the word “Government” to be bad. It is necessary and has been one of the driving forces in the amazing success of the United States to this point. As the nation grows in size, wealth, and complexity, Government will also grow. Arbitrary cuts in “Big Government” will not solve problems. Government protects its citizens from enemies abroad, criminals at home, and corporate excess, and provides thousands of services to citizens more efficiently than they could provide these services for themselves. Obvious examples are schools, police and fire protection, highways, airports, libraries, parks, and hopefully soon real health care. The rich and powerful generally oppose government, because they don’t need as many of these services, except security for their person and property, of course, which the government provides for all, and they resent paying taxes to support it. The purpose of government is not to provide jobs or profitable contracts to those who have supported the party in power. Government must be truly OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, and FOR THE PEOPLE, and to accomplish this we must make sure that the best people can be fairly elected to public office, and that they have incentive to serve.


As we use more of our Earth’s dwindling natural resources, we must plan for a future that will be very different from our past. This is not a political choice, it is a fact of life. We cannot “vote” for more resources, or “vote” CO2 out of our atmosphere. We must take concrete action to accomplish these things over a very long period. Fossil fuels will not be as available and cheap for much longer, and they are even at this point contributing to climate change at an unprecedented rate. At the same time that the population of the world is increasing at the fastest rate in history, the planet is running out of good land, fresh water, and many other essential resources that simply cannot be recreated. Conservation is the key word, and this implies adaptability and sacrifice. It cannot be ignored. New technology will help, but will not completely solve these problems. We believe in economic growth, but the unsustainable growth of the past and present will not carry us into the future. Financial sustainability is also essential, and that cannot be built upon ever-increasing deficits and junk-consumerism.


We must be certain that all citizens receive fair treatment within our legal system. Too many times the rich and powerful are able to afford better attorneys, and can delay justice for decades, or in some cases influence the judges themselves. “Justice delayed is justice denied”….Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from a Birmingham jail, 1963. As citizens we have the right to fair and decent treatment throughout the legal process. The ability of the common citizen to sue the rich and powerful (and get a fair trial) is essential to the preservation of democracy. So-called “tort reform” must never be construed as a way for the rich and powerful to escape responsibility for their actions that have harmed others. To Democrats it means equal access to a speedy and fair trial for all litigants. We must adhere to the Geneva Conventions and international law, along with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is a vital part of equal justice.


Democrats do not ignore the fact that millions of Americans suffer every day from disease, handicap, lack of education, poverty, aging, and discrimination. We believe it the responsibility of the healthy and successful to do whatever we can to make the lives of these less fortunate more bearable. Personal assistance and private charities are essential in this effort, but only government can secure the resources necessary for this task of addressing the root causes of poverty, and provide effective health care for the sick and aging.


Most Americans today do not understand sacrifice very well. Those who have lost a loved one at war understand. So do those who have lost a job through no fault of their own, or millions of Americans who have worked for years to start a small business or make payments for thirty years to own a home and get a foothold in the middle class. Difficult times are ahead as we face a transformation of our economy, dwindling resources, political division, deficits and debt out of control, and falling status worldwide. We call on ALL Americans, especially those who have prospered so much in the last decades, to understand the necessity of this sacrifice and do their part. Right now that means higher taxes and increasing conservation. The future will demand even more. It will not be enough just to “go shopping” as the president told us after the Crisis of 9/11.


The history of the Democratic Party shows that we have always made room for the personal religious beliefs of all, while at the same time maintaining strict separation of Church and State. Many of our Founding Fathers had personal experience with religious persecution and were convinced that no government should ever establish any church. At the same time some of the greatest positive movements for human improvement in American history had roots in the churches. Ending slavery, helping the poor, building community, Civil Rights, are just a few examples. Democrats also realize that much of the progress of America has been brought about by science. Men and women great and small have made countless scientific discoveries and developed new processes and methods impacting every part of our daily lives. At the same time, the power of the human mind to reason has brought us better government and a generally successful economy. When reason has gone off track we have had wars, depressions, and civil strife.